The Health Powers Life campaign is a joint effort between the City of Aurora's Office of International and Immigrant Affairs and the Tri-County Health Department. The campaign seeks to benefit Aurora’s immigrant and refugee population. The campaign’s message is simple: good health is the key to longer and happier lives.
A healthy lifestyle requires intentional effort. We want to connect residents with the resources needed to help them be responsible for their own health.
Staying healthy takes dedication. We hope to connect residents with the most accurate and up to date information so they may make informed decisions. We want to provide information about health providers in the area who work with refugees and immigrants.
Prevention is always better than treatment. The health system across the nation could save a significant amount of dollar in medical services by emphasizing healthy habits. We will work to keep residents informed of preventative measures they can easily take to avoid a health catastrophe in the long run.
So, how can you lead a healthy life?
Get a yearly check up, eat a health diet, exercise regularly, get sufficient rest, and don't forget to maintain a healthy balance between your physical and mental health. Click on each icon to learn more!